
作             者: Charles Browne, Brent Culligan, Joseph Phillips
總     級     數: 3
英  文  類  型: 美式英語
適  用  程  度: Elementary to Advanced
C E F R  Level: A2-B1-B2-C1
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In Focus 旨在協助高教體系學生累積字彙量 (build vocabulary),培養閱讀技巧 (reading skills)、增強表達 (presentation) 與思辨 (critical thinking) 的能力。
In Focus is a three-level course for adult and young adult learners designed to build vocabulary, reading, presentation, discussion, and critical thinking skills. Each Student’s Book contains 12 topic-based units which are divided into two cycles of six general themes.Drawing upon research using the multi-billion-word Cambridge English Corpus, this course provides a lexical syllabus containing the most important words for second language learners of English. This syllabus comprises two word lists: a New General Service List (NGSL), a list of approximately 2,800 words; and a New Academic Word List (NAWL), a list of approximately 1,000 words that are especially useful for students who want to read academic texts in English. Together, these 3,800 words allow learners to understand 92 percent of the words in most English academic texts.Though In Focus coursebooks can be used as standalone texts, they are supplemented by a comprehensive range of online resources, both website and smartphone apps, which allows students to personalize and extend their learning beyond the classroom.The In Focus Teacher’s Manual contains full step-by-step teaching notes,unit-by-unit summaries, language notes, tips, extension activities, options for assessment, and a complete answer key.

  • 本書系共分三級數,每個級數包含12個單元,課程安排採主題循環式教學,每6個單元為一個循環。
  • 高頻字彙的挑選,主要參照 2,800 字「基礎字彙表 (New General Service List=NGSL)」與 1,000 字「學 術字彙表 (New Academic Word List=NAWL)」,此 兩字表共 3,800 字,約已涵蓋 92% 學術文體中常見字彙量。累積高頻字彙量,將有助於學生放下字 典,進行流暢的英語文章閱讀。
  • 每單元皆附有實境影片與字彙練習活動,除加深記憶外,更有助於理解如何在真實語境中使用正確字彙。
  • 課本搭配數位學習資源,可自訂個人化單字學習清單,並擴充自己的學習單字量。
  • 教師手冊內容豐富,包含教學指導與技巧、延伸活動、成果評量等。
  • 授課 PowerPoint可供用書老師索取。

    • 品             名: In Focus 3 Student's Book with Online Resources
      級             數: Level 3
      I S B N -  13 : 9781107680074
      產  品  型  式: 平裝書隨附帳號(拆封不退)
      定             價: 560 元 
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    In Focus 3 Student's Book with Online Resources Teacher's Manual PDF檔 4.79MB